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T&T vermittelt seit 1990 Eintrittskarten für Kultur- und Sport Events auf der ganzen Welt.
Unsere Kompetenz und Erfahrung bürgt für Zuverlässigkeit.
Weitere Informationen über diese Site finden Sie in unserem Impressum.
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You receive a confirmation on your order by email. According to your order, this usually takes 1-2 workdays, in case of hard-to-get events approximately 1 week. Only this confirmation is a guarantee for the receipt of the tickets.
If the demanded event should be sold out, you will receive a cancellation from us. In this case we don't charge any fees.

If a voucher is sufficient for the entry, this will be sent immediately with the confirmation. The same applies for short-termed reservations.

As we cannot have all tickets at our disposal because of the multitude of our events, the dispatch of the original tickets might take a bit longer. In this case we will send you an invoice which is a confirmation at the same time. You will receive the tickets by post in time as soon as we dispose of them ourselves.

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